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FishID and the Microsoft AI for Earth Grant: The importance of partnerships

The focus of the Global Wetlands Project and FishID is to elevate the scientific understanding of critical issues and build online tools to help address these issues more effectively and efficiently.

At a recent interview with one of the key partners of FishID (Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre), I highlighted that partnerships between academic and education institutions are necessary. Through data and/or knowledge sharing we can advance our efforts on developing tools that can conserve, educate and promote the diversity of marine ecosystems.

Have a look at my recent interview conducted by the Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre where I talk about FishID and some of the team's plan for the future.


Follow the progress of FishID; an automatic platform for fish species identification and abundance quantification through this blog or @seabassphd.


Sebastian Lopez (Seabass), is a PhD Candidate at the Australian Rivers Institute where he is developing and applying artificial intelligence tools to monitor fish populations in marine ecosystems.

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